I am searching for a suitable groom for my daughter. How can I publish a Matrimonial ad in the Indian Express newspaper?


Please know that we are online ad booking agency, we assist advertisers in booking or releasing Indian Express advertisement or any other Indian newspaper through our portal. If you need help with the content for your matrimonial ad, then you can take the help of the ‘Wanted Grooms Ad samples’.

To proceed with the booking, you need to select the preferred location/edition or a relevant package and proceed to compose your ad. If you need further guidance with the composition of your ad, then you can also take the help of our Online Ad Booking Tutorial. A step-by-step tutorial is provided here to go through our website smoothly.

Once done with the composition, you need to confirm the ad release dates and make the payment through online or offline mediums. Make sure that the ad is booked at least 2-3 days in advance.


Related to: Indian Express, Matrimonial, How to Book Post date: 29/06/2020 - 08:54PM